Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What are you thankful for???

Okay, here is what I did. I've been thinking about the holidays lately and all the things that I have to be thankful for in my life. I wanted to some how incorporate that into a "post." So, what I did was sit down with a pen & piece of paper (yes, the old school way) & wrote down as many things that I could think of in 1 minute. Here is my list (in the order it came to me):
  1. My family-first & duh?!
  2. My friends
  3. My house
  5. Spin Class-Thank you , Amanda!! Oh & can't forget Rick Taylor(instructor), luv ya!
  6. RECOVERY-for all you "Spinners" out there!
  7. Bike #6 (see #5)
  8. LVAC Playroom
  9. Pizza
  10. Internet
  11. Target
  12. Credit Cards
  13. Starbucks
  14. Gymbucks
  15. Twilight Series
  16. My Blog
  18. Seat Belts
  19. DVD Player (in Truck)
  20. Jojo's Circus
  21. My pillows-all three!
  22. Spanx
  23. Giggles
  24. DVR- I wouldn't know that Audrina blamed LC for hooking up w/ Justin Bobby! Duh!?!
  25. CHRISTMAS!!!!!!
  26. You

That was fun!! Can't wait to read your list...

1 comment:

  1. Your so clever. I should do this too... but not now. I am slacking, I should be cleaning!

    PS~ I am thankful for you too! :)
