Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I know all my BFF's are taking pics and probably beat me to the punch, but here is what we did when I got home from work today. Everybody argued with me that this was not a SNOW STORM, but I know this is a SNOW STORM!!! How fun! I am so excited that Mylie's First Christmas is a white one! Oh, by the way, Maysie loves "TeeTee" (aka Mickey Mouse). So, her "Best Daddy In The World" made her a "TeeTee NOman." Maysie has a cold so snowman=noman. Mike stayed out an hour after we came in to finish the project!!!!! LOVE IT!


  1. Yay for snow storms!

    Isnt it crazy?? Travis is staying the night at his parents house, he cannot make it home! Cars are stuck left and right in Anthem and his car will not make it either. Lets hope for a snow day tomorrow! Lets hear it for no school!

    The girls look adorable, and I love the TeeTee NOman!

  2. Great job on the Mickey snowman. This has been so crazy and so much fun!!! Stay warm.

  3. Hey! Hows Maysie? I keep checking your blog to get a update! :)
