Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Heinz 57-Part Mylie

Well, it has been awhile since I've posted pics and let y'all know what's goin' on in our household. So, I figured I would "KETCHUP" in this Heinz 57 post! (I totally came up with that myself!) The events are probably not in chronological order, but they are pictures that I took while saying, "Oooh! I so gotta post this on my blog!"

What has Mylie been up to??? Well, I don't have video or pictures yet, but Mylie is now beginning to walk! Yesterday, she took 4 steps all by herself (3 different times). She obviously is not walking laps around the house yet; but, she just needs more practice. She will be a pro before she's 10 months! Craziness! The picture below was taken a few weeks ago. Michael was trying to get Mylie to walk to him. She can stand up and balance very well; but she wouldn't move her feet.Don't show this picture to Maysie!! Mylie gets to play in peace when Jei-Jei (big sister in Chinese) is asleep! Doesn't she look so happy!? Her choice of "toy" this day was the infamous Coach purse (as seen in Heinz 57-Part Maysie). If Maysie were awake, the scene would sound something like this... "No! Mylie! Sa-top-eet! Doan-Ta-Chit! Is MINE!" (translation: No! Mylie! Stop it! Don't touch it! It's MINE!) Then she would take it and probably push her down.
Motor Boat Mylie!!!!
That smile is infectious! This is exactly why she has EARNED the name Smiley Mylie!
The one-handed bottle hold! She looks so cool! Mike is SO happy that she can hold the bottle by herself-finally. I, on the other hand, still HAVE to hold her and feed her (90% of the time). I need to enjoy every bit of baby with her because she is growing up too fast!
This picture is probably the exact reason why the highchair companies provide safety straps. Leave it up to me to snap the picture before I rescued her! Well? How else would I have been able to share this memory with my BFFs (& her-when she gets older)?

Heinz 57-Part Maysie

Well, it has been awhile since I've posted pics and let y'all know what's goin' on in our household. So, I figured I would "KETCHUP" in this Heinz 57 post! (I totally came up with that myself!) The events are probably not in chronological order, but they are pictures that I took while saying, "Oooh! I so gotta post this on my blog!"

(YES... I posted this blurb twice!!!-Sounded so good the 1st time I thought you'd like a replay! Ha Ha! I figured it was easier to copy/paste then try to exhaust more creativeness into another cheesy opening!)

Maysie loves her Coach purse. (Her "Coach Freak" Godmother said that she had to be the youngest owner of her own Coach purse.) I think Maysie agrees. She LoVeS it!
Maysie LoVeS her Uncle Andy! We went to see him play football. I only saw a couple minutes of the game because Maysie could see the park and insisted she would have more fun there!
Sshh! Don't wake her! This is when I feel guilty for losing my patience, forgive her for picking on Mylie, and thank GOD for the angel he sent me! I LoVe watching my girls sleep!
Her lips are so KiSSaBLe!!! my house??!! Huh? It must be a holiday! Oh wait? It is! What did Ol' St. Patrick bring this gorgeous St. Paddy's Day? A visit from the best Godmother ever!!!
My shoe fanatic princess is crazy about shoes. She still wears them to bed,
does not allow Mylie or Mimi to touch them, or worry if they are on the correct foot.
She wears shoes all day...even if they don't match!
What is she eating?!!?!!?!?
Yes, folks...that is Macaroni 'N Cheese floating in Chocolate Milk!!!! EwW! I try to grant her the independence that she craves, and this is the result. She emptied her Horizon Chocolate Milk Box into her left over Mac 'N Cheese cup (from BK). It's so strange that she actually enjoyed this because she gags at the sight of applesauce, baby food, bananas, and much more...
Finally (for this Heinz 57-Part Maysie post), we finally have enough hair for bow clips!!!! Yeah! She LoVeS to wear them, too (even to bed). She is in her Minnie Mouse PJs, purple bow, and black crocs (not shown in picture). We are going to read a book or 3 and then it's off to bed! (Think back to the 3rd picture!)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Are You In??!!!

I just commented on Donna's blog, so now I am fulfilling the obligations!

Here is the deal: The first five people to comment on this post will get something made by me.

This offer does have some restrictions and limitations:
1- I make no guarantees that you will like what I make.
2- What I make will be just for you.
3- It'll be done this year.
4- You have no clue what it's going to be. Who knows? Not you, that's for sure!
5- I reserve the right to do whatever I want!

The catch? Oh, the catch is that you must re-post this on your own blog and offer the same deal to 5 of your own lucky blog readers. So, the first 5 people to leave a comment telling me they are in, win a FAB-U-LOUS homemade gift by me! Oh, and be sure to post a picture of what you win when you get it.

Don't worry if you don't see any comments on this post since that only means I get out of doing more work! Ha ha ha...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Word Of The Day

FrUsTrAtIoN!!!!!! That is what I have felt from the moment my alarm rang today. I feel completely frustrated today. Frustrated that:
  • I couldn't pop up out of bed (like I always do).
  • I was late to work (like always).
  • some parents don't respect teachers (& then wonder why students don't either).
  • I can't get control of my weight loss! (I've been juggling 3 lbs. & the worst part is that I KNOW exactly what to do & I don't listen to myself.)
  • I spilled EvErYtHiNg while making dinner. (Not easy for me because I am a neat cook that cleans as I go.)
  • I have dishes & laundry GALORE!
  • I didn't feel like playing when I got home from work today.
  • Mimi (our puppy) is not grasping the potty training thing. (I don't expect her to be a genius, but can't she at least avoid the carpet?)
  • I have more projects that I want to do & can't find the time.
  • I don't have me time unless I stay up late.
  • I am overwhelmed and feel like it!
  • My degenerate camera won't link to my computer so I can't download my pics or post a new pic to my blog!!! (The worst part is I am getting a new camera but I can't decide what I want!)
  • etc...
I know it feels like I am whining or that I am not grateful. THAT IS NOT TRUE!!! I love everything in my life including my frustrations (except for the one about my weight!!!). I just had to vent! I feel much better now. I knew my BFFs would understand! Love Ya!

P.S. I can not express how much I appreciate my mom. Not only did she take Mike's car to get his window fixed; but when she brought it back (washed, too) this evening, she stayed long enough to feed Mylie dinner and give the girls a bath (this totally helped with the day that I've had). I didn't even have to ask. It was like she was psychic and knew I needed her. I hope that I inherit that ability through becoming a mom. Believe it or not, Mom, I do wish to be like you (sometimes!). XOXOXXXXX

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Too sick to eat!

I know what you're thinking..."does she lock her kids in the highchair to sleep?" NO! I just love taking photos of them when they do fall asleep. Mylie has been under the weather since late Saturday. She's been running a fever, so I took her to the Dr. yesterday. The good news is that there is nothing serious (just a virus). The bad news is that there is nothing serious (just a virus). In other words, she needs to weather the storm. Which means no sleep for yours truly! She has been sleeping in my arms since Sunday! When I put her down, she wakes up within 20 min. I feel horrible that I can't do much for her. She is such a trooper, though. She can still manage a smile and 30 min.-1 hr. of good playing time in between shots of Motrin. I'm just grateful that Maysie has been an angel (I think she has the bug, too-just not as bad).

I love how she put her sippy on top of her "waffle coaster!" Poor baby looks flushed.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Meet our newest family member!

Welcome Mimosa "Mimi" Hillcoat! These pictures do not reflect her true cuteness! It is harder to take pics of a puppy than a baby/toddler. She wanted to run up to the camera every time. This was the best I could do. Mimi is a blue-tri Chihuahua (emphasize the "HuA-HuA!"). I never thought I'd be a Chihuahua owner. She just melts my heart! The top picture is just to show you how she rolls...a pinkalicious dress with a pink, bling-bling collar that reads "MIMI." I also had to buy a bell so that we could find her. The girls love her! She is still trying to figure them out. She loves Mike & Michael...and me, of course. I think she's just scared of the girls because they are SO unpredictable! Maysie will go in for a nice pet & then yank her off the couch-that's just one example. The only downside is the potty training, of course.

P.S. Thank you for the last picture, Carrie!