Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Heinz 57-Part Mylie

Well, it has been awhile since I've posted pics and let y'all know what's goin' on in our household. So, I figured I would "KETCHUP" in this Heinz 57 post! (I totally came up with that myself!) The events are probably not in chronological order, but they are pictures that I took while saying, "Oooh! I so gotta post this on my blog!"

What has Mylie been up to??? Well, I don't have video or pictures yet, but Mylie is now beginning to walk! Yesterday, she took 4 steps all by herself (3 different times). She obviously is not walking laps around the house yet; but, she just needs more practice. She will be a pro before she's 10 months! Craziness! The picture below was taken a few weeks ago. Michael was trying to get Mylie to walk to him. She can stand up and balance very well; but she wouldn't move her feet.Don't show this picture to Maysie!! Mylie gets to play in peace when Jei-Jei (big sister in Chinese) is asleep! Doesn't she look so happy!? Her choice of "toy" this day was the infamous Coach purse (as seen in Heinz 57-Part Maysie). If Maysie were awake, the scene would sound something like this... "No! Mylie! Sa-top-eet! Doan-Ta-Chit! Is MINE!" (translation: No! Mylie! Stop it! Don't touch it! It's MINE!) Then she would take it and probably push her down.
Motor Boat Mylie!!!!
That smile is infectious! This is exactly why she has EARNED the name Smiley Mylie!
The one-handed bottle hold! She looks so cool! Mike is SO happy that she can hold the bottle by herself-finally. I, on the other hand, still HAVE to hold her and feed her (90% of the time). I need to enjoy every bit of baby with her because she is growing up too fast!
This picture is probably the exact reason why the highchair companies provide safety straps. Leave it up to me to snap the picture before I rescued her! Well? How else would I have been able to share this memory with my BFFs (& her-when she gets older)?

1 comment:

  1. Mylie is so freakin cute! Love those two little front teeth, seriously SO adorable. I cant believe that picture of he standing, amazing!
