Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Adventures of Farty-Toot and the Mysterious Toddler

I know that one day she will be SO embarrassed that I even shared this story, but I can't help myself! The other day, Mike and I were taking the girls to get their Spring pictures taken (yes, a little late...but Spring is not over yet). We heard a suspect sound from the backseat-specifically from the seat directly behind me (which is where Princess Maysie sits). Then, we heard a little voice say, "Farty-Toot!" We busted up laughing hysterically!!! Where does she come up with these things? It's moments like that one that make me look forward to the adventures of everyday!
Here is a picture of my Farty-Tooter (Oh yes! I am so happy that she can FiNaLLy rock a ponytail!):On another note, I peeked into Mylie's crib the other night and realized that my little baby was not in there! Some strange toddler that looked like Mylie was in there instead. Did I blink?! She is growing up TOO fast! It all changes when they start walking!

1 comment:

  1. Dont you love blogs so you can record all those funny moments and remember them always?? Maysie will be glad too.... ha ha!

    Mylie is huge. :( Time goes by too fast sometimes!
