Monday, January 26, 2009

Check out her ArtWoRk...

First TaTtOo...
Where's Mickey???
I bet that elbow tattoo hurt! "Sss, Ouch..."
Little Rockstar Mommy... I think she left her baby at the tattoo parlor! Typical Hollywood...
Maysie thought they were band-aids and kept saying, " Sss, Ouch!" She also made us give her kisses on her "boo-boos!" It was fun to ask her where Donald, Daisy, Minnie, or Mickey were! Oh yeah, she can say, "Mi-tee" now, but prefers to call him, "Tee-Tee" still. Isn't it funny how their little minds work?

On another note, did you peep the little crawler in the back? And, why does my big, little baby look so "growed" up? Huh?!


  1. SO CUTE! I love how Maysie is totally proud in that last picture, and I did notice the crawler in the background (you go girl Mylie)!

  2. Those are the cutest tattoos! So bright and colorful. I love how she says Mickey, what cutie!
