Friday, January 23, 2009

Told you he was H.O.T!!

I LoVe BoYs WiTh TaTtOoS!--one of my little guilty pleasures...
I happened to be stalking a blog on The White House (Hi Melissa!) & saw a picture of this really hot guy. After reading the post, I found out that it was the guy who played James in the movie Twilight. (Yes, I still think about that movie. I'm reading Breaking Dawn now.) So, I thought he deserved a post on my blog. Don't worry, no second thoughts about my wonderful hubby. A girl can window shop, can't she? I'm married NOT buried!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Olivia~

    I am not buried either, ha ha!! He is hot, I agree. I am reading Breaking Dawn right now too!! I was up to 1am reading last night which is crazy because I was exhausted from the party. Thanks for coming and for his rockstar outfit and Vans, everything is perfect! Glad you and me are those same Gymbo moms!! Haa haa.. sorry you didnt know before you headed out Mike!
