Thursday, February 26, 2009
To add to my sleep deprivation...
I completed another digi-page (for a total of 4). I crave the opportunity to make them. So, I added it (& the page from yesterday) to my slide...along with some new pics. Again, let me know what you think. I am so new to this & I really want to get better. So, all advice is warmly welcomed.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I'll let the video speak for itself...
I can't believe that Mylie is growing up SOOO fast! Maysie walked alone at 8 months. Mylie is quickly following (she just turned 8 months last week)! It won't be too long before she'll be walking alone. OMG! (Oh My Gawrsh--as Goofy would say!)
P.S. Let's give an Oscar to that great commentator! Ha Ha! How come nobody sounds cool on a video camera?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I think I'm getting better!
I'm still playing around with my new love. There is no rhyme or reason to my madness...just playing around & learning how to "digi-scrap." So, here is day two, third page (constructive criticism welcomed):
I made some changes!! My Bestie, Carrie, said that the flower that I put in the middle was her least fave. I agreed 100%. So, I took it off & voila! The reason I put it there to begin with was to cover the way the pics laid over one another. But, Carrie's hubby, the Photoshop Genius, taught me how to place the layers so that it looks like they "fell" that way on the page. Now, I REALLY love this page!

Monday, February 23, 2009
If I'm missing...
...don't call the search & rescue squad. I have found a new passion. It has the ability to take away blogtime. It is so fun & I hope to get better at it. What am I talking about?!!? DiGiTaL ScRaPbOoKiNg! Oh, it is so frustrating & fun at the same time. Kinda like golf for women. Since I have never used Photoshop, I am learning how to do both. I love a challenge. So, I am probably going to embarrass myself by posting these, but what the heck. Here are my FiRsT 2 digi-pages (don't laugh, please):

P.S. The elements are from Pamela Donnis ( Check her out! Thank you SO much, PAM (for ALL your help). I'm sure I will keep you busy with my questions.

Friday, February 20, 2009
Hall of Famer

P.S. I also see that they look like the same size!!! LOL! For the curious...Mylie weighs 20 lbs 2 oz. and 28 in. long & Maysie weighs 25 lbs. and 33 in. long. Really funny is it that Mylie looks like she doesn't know what's going on (refer back to push, kick, pull...)
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Blogthings Test! It's FUN!
So I was Blog-surfing again...& I found this cute test on In honor of Confessions Of A Shopaholic, I chose this test:
What Kind of Shopper Are You?
I am an Impulse Shopper |
I like sales, but I mostly like them because they're an excuse to shop. Of all the types, I am the most likely to be a shopaholic. I can't stop shopping! I'm not the kind of person who makes a list or plans what to buy. So,sometimes I end up with too much stuff. |
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Girls' Night Out...I mean...Valentine's Day!

Okay, this might sound insensitive, but hear me out! My husband asked what I wanted for Valentine's Day this year. Good Start! Since I had originally planned that he was going to be out of town for a dog show, I had made plans to go eat with my friend, Andrea, and my girls (& maybe walk around Town Square). Well, Mike ended up not going and I wasn't going to cancel on Andrea. My back up plan was to ALL go to Town Square. Back to asking me what I reply: For Mike to watch the girls so that I can go eat at The Yardhouse & see Confessions Of A Shopaholic with my friends (Carrie & Andrea). He said, "YES! (Do your friends know that you're starring in the movie?)" He also said that everyday was Valentine's Day in our home and he felt that I was letting him off the hook. Plus, he was still spending time with his two little Valentines! Needless to say, we had fun! A glass of wine, good eats, and a funny chic flick! Sounds like a great Hallmark holiday to me!
P.S. I even lost 1/2 lb. the next morning! This might have to be my new Valentine tradition! LOL!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Rules. (Ha! Who follows rules?! LOL!) Complete the tag. Complete it on the day you are tagged (the rule that I broke). State 6 random facts (It was harder than it sounds).
1. I oBsEsS over my weight! Since I have been pregnant for like 3 years, my weight has ballooned! Once I stopped nursing Mylie (not by choice), I have made steady progress towards my goal. I love working out (dieting...not so much). I call it "MY TIME" or "MY FORGIVENESS" (refer back to my diet comment). I can proudly say that I have lost all the weight (& more) that I gained with Mylie. So, I am more than halfway! Yeah!
2. I love to DaNcE in the shower! My hubby has a mirror to shave in the shower & it happens to have a waterproof radio. I blast it & the shower becomes my dance floor! I end up having to settle down so I can wash the sweat off of me. This routine is actually fairly new, but I think it goes back to another way to burn more CaLoRiEs!
3. I'm super ExCiTeD to go back to school! I am actually turning in my application to Nevada State College & meeting with an adviser tomorrow. I will be taking classes to get an endorsement in Speech Pathology. They are also the required pre-requisites to get into a Master's program (which I will start shortly after). Hopefully the workload won't cut into my blogtime!
4. I am gRaTeFuL that I have such a good relationship with my stepson's mom. I consider her a dear friend (even though she doesn't read my blog). She works and has 4 kids so I cut her some slack! She is my "go-to" mom for advice when I have questions about my girls. She takes the time to explain what to do (because I am a panicker). She ALWAYS has the answers, too (experience is priceless). To be honest, I turn to her for a lot of things (not just mommy advice); and she is helpful because she offers a different perspective. Most importantly, she has embraced and respected me as Michael's stepmom. So, if you ever do read this, can toot your horn whenever you deserve to!
5. I have really StReSsEd myself out thinking about what camera I want to buy! Remember back to my birthday? Well, the only reason I don't have a camera is my own darn fault! I can't make up my mind (all advice is welcomed). I have been debating on whether I want a digital SLR or another (but better) compact digital point & shoot. I feel like I want both (but, I am not going to be greedy). I just feel that with 2 younglings a "bigger" camera is at risk & bulky to hold. On the other hand, it is because of my 2 younglings and Michael that I want a bad boy zoomalicious camera. Plus, I need a fast shutter! Kids don't sit still long (don't need to elaborate on that). Ugh! I just think it's funny that I really lose sleep over this!
6. Okay, this one is a "gimme," but I'll elaborate a little. I LOVE BEING A MOM (can you tell??)! I always tell my hubs that the reason I was put here was to have my two precious angels. If it weren't for me (really US), they wouldn't be able to grace the world with their presence! Seems a little extreme, huh? Oh well, I don't hate on other mommies for feeling the same way. I truly believe that the world is a better place because of my kids (this includes Michael) least MY WORLD is a better place!
I TAG... Donna & Tricia...Sorry ladies! I don't have many blog readers that blog! There wasn't a rule about the number of people to tag. So, I will save myself the pity (of not having many blog friends) and stop at two! Hey, it's quality not quantity here at Hangin' With The Hillcoats!
1. I oBsEsS over my weight! Since I have been pregnant for like 3 years, my weight has ballooned! Once I stopped nursing Mylie (not by choice), I have made steady progress towards my goal. I love working out (dieting...not so much). I call it "MY TIME" or "MY FORGIVENESS" (refer back to my diet comment). I can proudly say that I have lost all the weight (& more) that I gained with Mylie. So, I am more than halfway! Yeah!
2. I love to DaNcE in the shower! My hubby has a mirror to shave in the shower & it happens to have a waterproof radio. I blast it & the shower becomes my dance floor! I end up having to settle down so I can wash the sweat off of me. This routine is actually fairly new, but I think it goes back to another way to burn more CaLoRiEs!
3. I'm super ExCiTeD to go back to school! I am actually turning in my application to Nevada State College & meeting with an adviser tomorrow. I will be taking classes to get an endorsement in Speech Pathology. They are also the required pre-requisites to get into a Master's program (which I will start shortly after). Hopefully the workload won't cut into my blogtime!
4. I am gRaTeFuL that I have such a good relationship with my stepson's mom. I consider her a dear friend (even though she doesn't read my blog). She works and has 4 kids so I cut her some slack! She is my "go-to" mom for advice when I have questions about my girls. She takes the time to explain what to do (because I am a panicker). She ALWAYS has the answers, too (experience is priceless). To be honest, I turn to her for a lot of things (not just mommy advice); and she is helpful because she offers a different perspective. Most importantly, she has embraced and respected me as Michael's stepmom. So, if you ever do read this, can toot your horn whenever you deserve to!
5. I have really StReSsEd myself out thinking about what camera I want to buy! Remember back to my birthday? Well, the only reason I don't have a camera is my own darn fault! I can't make up my mind (all advice is welcomed). I have been debating on whether I want a digital SLR or another (but better) compact digital point & shoot. I feel like I want both (but, I am not going to be greedy). I just feel that with 2 younglings a "bigger" camera is at risk & bulky to hold. On the other hand, it is because of my 2 younglings and Michael that I want a bad boy zoomalicious camera. Plus, I need a fast shutter! Kids don't sit still long (don't need to elaborate on that). Ugh! I just think it's funny that I really lose sleep over this!
6. Okay, this one is a "gimme," but I'll elaborate a little. I LOVE BEING A MOM (can you tell??)! I always tell my hubs that the reason I was put here was to have my two precious angels. If it weren't for me (really US), they wouldn't be able to grace the world with their presence! Seems a little extreme, huh? Oh well, I don't hate on other mommies for feeling the same way. I truly believe that the world is a better place because of my kids (this includes Michael) least MY WORLD is a better place!
I TAG... Donna & Tricia...Sorry ladies! I don't have many blog readers that blog! There wasn't a rule about the number of people to tag. So, I will save myself the pity (of not having many blog friends) and stop at two! Hey, it's quality not quantity here at Hangin' With The Hillcoats!
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