Monday, February 23, 2009

If I'm missing...

...don't call the search & rescue squad. I have found a new passion. It has the ability to take away blogtime. It is so fun & I hope to get better at it. What am I talking about?!!? DiGiTaL ScRaPbOoKiNg! Oh, it is so frustrating & fun at the same time. Kinda like golf for women. Since I have never used Photoshop, I am learning how to do both. I love a challenge. So, I am probably going to embarrass myself by posting these, but what the heck. Here are my FiRsT 2 digi-pages (don't laugh, please):
P.S. The elements are from Pamela Donnis ( Check her out! Thank you SO much, PAM (for ALL your help). I'm sure I will keep you busy with my questions.


  1. What?? Laugh?? Ya right, they look amazing! You are totally going to have to show me how. Love them!! I want those puppy pics too! :)
