Saturday, February 7, 2009


Rules. (Ha! Who follows rules?! LOL!) Complete the tag. Complete it on the day you are tagged (the rule that I broke). State 6 random facts (It was harder than it sounds).

1. I oBsEsS over my weight! Since I have been pregnant for like 3 years, my weight has ballooned! Once I stopped nursing Mylie (not by choice), I have made steady progress towards my goal. I love working out (dieting...not so much). I call it "MY TIME" or "MY FORGIVENESS" (refer back to my diet comment). I can proudly say that I have lost all the weight (& more) that I gained with Mylie. So, I am more than halfway! Yeah!

2. I love to DaNcE in the shower! My hubby has a mirror to shave in the shower & it happens to have a waterproof radio. I blast it & the shower becomes my dance floor! I end up having to settle down so I can wash the sweat off of me. This routine is actually fairly new, but I think it goes back to another way to burn more CaLoRiEs!

3. I'm super ExCiTeD to go back to school! I am actually turning in my application to Nevada State College & meeting with an adviser tomorrow. I will be taking classes to get an endorsement in Speech Pathology. They are also the required pre-requisites to get into a Master's program (which I will start shortly after). Hopefully the workload won't cut into my blogtime!

4. I am gRaTeFuL that I have such a good relationship with my stepson's mom. I consider her a dear friend (even though she doesn't read my blog). She works and has 4 kids so I cut her some slack! She is my "go-to" mom for advice when I have questions about my girls. She takes the time to explain what to do (because I am a panicker). She ALWAYS has the answers, too (experience is priceless). To be honest, I turn to her for a lot of things (not just mommy advice); and she is helpful because she offers a different perspective. Most importantly, she has embraced and respected me as Michael's stepmom. So, if you ever do read this, can toot your horn whenever you deserve to!

5. I have really StReSsEd myself out thinking about what camera I want to buy! Remember back to my birthday? Well, the only reason I don't have a camera is my own darn fault! I can't make up my mind (all advice is welcomed). I have been debating on whether I want a digital SLR or another (but better) compact digital point & shoot. I feel like I want both (but, I am not going to be greedy). I just feel that with 2 younglings a "bigger" camera is at risk & bulky to hold. On the other hand, it is because of my 2 younglings and Michael that I want a bad boy zoomalicious camera. Plus, I need a fast shutter! Kids don't sit still long (don't need to elaborate on that). Ugh! I just think it's funny that I really lose sleep over this!

6. Okay, this one is a "gimme," but I'll elaborate a little. I LOVE BEING A MOM (can you tell??)! I always tell my hubs that the reason I was put here was to have my two precious angels. If it weren't for me (really US), they wouldn't be able to grace the world with their presence! Seems a little extreme, huh? Oh well, I don't hate on other mommies for feeling the same way. I truly believe that the world is a better place because of my kids (this includes Michael) least MY WORLD is a better place!

I TAG... Donna & Tricia...Sorry ladies! I don't have many blog readers that blog! There wasn't a rule about the number of people to tag. So, I will save myself the pity (of not having many blog friends) and stop at two! Hey, it's quality not quantity here at Hangin' With The Hillcoats!

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