Sunday, May 10, 2009

Campaign for Mother's MONTH!!!

These are pictures of flowers that I took at the Bellagio when my mom and I took the girls. I love the daffodils.

This morning, I woke up at 4 am. Not because I was SO excited that it was my day...the ONE day out of 365 days that is devoted to my hard work as a mom. Nope, it was because Maysie was yelling, "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy...." I walk in and she is burning up. Still half asleep, I administer 1.875 mL of Motrin and laid her on my chest so that she would fall back asleep. The rest of my morning goes like this... Mylie wakes screaming, Maysie re-wakes crying, both kids want breakfast immediately (not complaining yet- because I'm happy they want to eat). Mylie cries to get out of her highchair, Maysie cries for more food, Mylie cries because I can't hold her, Mylie goes off to play, Maysie cries because Mylie is touching "her" toys, Mylie poops out the side of her diaper again (this has been the daily ritual this past week)!!! Of course, I took her pj's off when I changed her before breakfast. I do this so that the pj's don't wear breakfast, too. Well, needless to say, Mylie sat in several places, so I had several poop spots on the carpet. After all was clean, I looked at the clock...and it wasn't even 7am!!! I was not happy with Mother's Day.

That is why I decided that all the moms need to stand together and push for May to be Mother's Month. Imagine saying, "Happy Mother's Month!!" I LOVE the sound of that!!!!

Hope your Mother's Day was NOTHING like the start of mine! Although, the silver lining would be that I know it can only get better!!! (I hope!) Did I mention that I went to sleep at MIDNIGHT!!! (I was busy making birthday invitations! They won't get made themselves, you know!)

P.S. Also, they SO need to change the NBA Playoffs to like June for Father's Day!!

1 comment:

  1. Where do I sign the petition? I hope your day got a LOT better. "Happy" Mother's Day, anyway!
