Friday, May 8, 2009


Man, my house has been swept by a storm. Mylie came down with the yucky Hand Foot & Mouth Disease last week. It took over Maysie slightly & bombarded Mike. So, I... The FOUNDATION, Strength, Superhero Mom (that's what Mike calls me) has single-handedly dodged throw-up, diarrhea, snot, slobber, and who else knows what!! I really do have SUPER POWERS!!! Although, my nemeses chaos & dirty laundry have taken over my domain. To Be Continued...


  1. Sorry I didnt call you back, I suck. I am fixin to do a new post too....

    As for super mom, yes you are! Glad you have escaped it!

  2. Glad you have avoided the yucks... the laundry will still be there after the germs all disappear!

  3. I am so sorry; I used to go through that with Anabelle. It has got to be the worst germ EVER! Kudos to you for avoiding it and staying sane. : )
